Wednesday, January 29, 2014

TED Talk- Sally Kohn: Let's try emotional correctness

The speaker in this TED talk was Sally Kohn. I thought her speech was very effective, so much that I want to put into practice what she spoke about. It had a lot of really good things about her speech that, I believe, made it as effective as it was. Firstly, she came into the speech with a captivating hook. It began, “When I do my job, people hate me.” This start to the speech reels in the audience, making them ask, What is her job? Why does it evoke such strong feelings? Leaving these questions unanswered at first keeps the audience on the edge wanting more. Another thing that Sally Kohn does is give off a likable persona. Her humor and seriousness about the topic are balanced evenly so that it is clear that she believes in what she is saying. She has a light tone that backs up the words that she says.

The speed at which she talks in slow enough to understand what she is saying and to have time to really think about what she is saying, without be too slow. Her body language gives off confidence, without seeming cocky. The only problem with her appearances, is that her shirt is ill fitting, which I know doesn’t seem that important, but I was distracted at some points by it. But maybe that’s just me.
One thing I think her speech could have used was visuals. The speech was short and didn’t contain any statistics to display, but I think some of her points that she made could have been reinforced had they been in writing.  

Overall, I think it was a really well done speech both in content and delivery.

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